2021-2022 Course List
You can see the official course catalog for all departments including Mechanical Engineering here: http://5fgb.hongjiuchina.com/registrar/catalogs.php
Mechanical Engineering Classes
MENG 110, 110L
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
3 credits
2 class hours, 3 lab hours
Corequisites: MATH 1240 or higher; MENG 110 and 110 L are co-requisites of each other
A broad overview of mechanical engineering, including an introduction to mechatronics, explosives, thermal and fluid sciences, solid and structural mechanics. An introduction to basic engineering problem solving techniques and engineering tools. Students will engage in a semester long team design project where they use modern engineering tools including basic computer drafting and computations to address mechanical engineering problems.
MENG 210, 210L
Sophomore Design and Measurements
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 110 or equivalent, PHYS 1310
Fundamentals of mechanical engineering design and instrumentation. This course introduces basic engineering measurement techniques and approaches, including analog to digital conversion, binary numbers, logic gates, sensors and data processing. Basic C and Matlab programming will be introduced and used to collect and analyze experimental data. Data analysis will include calculation of statistical quantities and methodologies for graphing results. A semester-long design project will implement instrumentation, programming, and analysis topics. Laboratory experiments will include basic C programming, programming of data acquisition systems, application of a range of mechanical engineering instrumentation techniques, and basic design principles.
MENG 216
Engineering Fluid Mechanics
3 credits
3 class hours,
Prerequisite: ES 201
Corequisite: MATH 2532
Fundamentals of fluid mechanics including fluid statics, velocity of continuous media, continuity, and momentum balance. Introduction of laminar and turbulent flows, similitude, dimensionless analysis, Bernoulli’s equation, friction factor, introduction to pump and compressor selection.
Mechanics of Materials Laboratory
1 credits
3 lab hours
Corequisite: ES 302
Experiments in mechanics of materials, testing methods, and measurement techniques.
MENG 304
Advanced Strength of Materials
3 credits
3 class hours,
Prerequisites: ES 302 passed with C or better
Unsymmetrical loading of beams, shear flow and shear center in thin‐walled beams, curved beams, thin plates, thick walled cylinders, stress concentrations, thermal stresses, impact loads, and vibration loads. Applying energy methods to various solid mechanics and beam problems.
MENG 305
Numerical Methods and Analysis
3 credits
3 class hours,
Prerequisites: ES 216/MENG 216, ES 302; MATH 335
This course presents applied numerical methods and analysis for mechanical engineering students with a focus on implementing solutions using C and Matlab programming. This course focuses on implementation of basic numerical methods to solve systems of equations, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations. Mechanical engineering problems will be used to frame the implementation of the numerical techniques to demonstrate optimization of engineering design and analysis of experimental data. Presentation of numerical results will be discussed including graphing philosophy, numerical errors, a comparison with analytical solutions. Topics include numerical error and accuracy, finite difference methods, integration, regression, initial value problems, discrete Fourier transforms, root finding, and optimization.
MENG 341
Mechanical Engineering Technical Writing
3 credits
3 class hours,
Prerequisites: ENGL 1110 and 1120 or the equivalent passed with a grade of C or better.
This course is designed to offer instruction in theory and practice of effective technical communication, particularly as applied to Mechanical Engineering and the junior/senior design clinic. Students who successfully complete this course should be able to plan, organize, draft, revise, and edit technical communication that is professional in content and appearance and appropriately designed for its intended audience.
MENG 381
Junior Engineering Design Clinic I
2 credits
1 class hour, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: MENG 210; junior standing
Corequisite: ES 216/MENG 216, ES 302
An academic‐year‐long engineering design project. Organized and directed by a faculty member. Weekly intensive workshops in specialized design topics pertinent to actual design project. Junior‐level students are under the direct supervision of the faculty members and the senior‐level students assigned to the project.
MENG 382
Junior Engineering Design Clinic II
2 credits
1 class hour, 3 lab hours
Prerequisite: MENG 381
Corequisite: ES 316
A continuation of MENG 381 academic‐year‐long engineering design project.
MENG 405
Dynamic Systems and Controls
2 credits
2 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 332 or consent of the instructor
Corequisite: MENG 405L
A practical survey course examining the basic components of instrumentation, measurement, and process control systems common to the field of engineering. Sensing and measurement (temperature, pressure, flow rate, level, stress‐strain, concentration, etc.), signal generation and data acquisition, control loops and controllers, and process control theory.
Dynamic Systems and Controls Laboratory
1 credits
3 lab hours
Corequisite: MENG 405
Laboratory exercises involving instrumentation and design of basic control systems.
MENG 421, 421D
Finite Element Analysis and Design
2 credits
2 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 304 passed with grade C or be er, Math 337 or consent of instructor
Introduction to the theory of finite element analysis for structural and heat transfer analysis. Use of finite element analysis in engineering design.
Finite Element Analysis and Design Lab
1 credits
3 lab hours
Corequisites: MENG 421
Application of finite element computer codes to solve complex engineering design problems.
MENG 431, 431D
Fluid and Thermal Systems
2 credits
2 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 216/MENG 216, ES 347 Corequisites: ES 350, MENG 431L
A capstone course in the thermal‐fluid sciences of Mechanical Engineering. The course combines the basic concepts and analysis techniques that were developed throughout the fundamental undergraduate thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer courses, to perform in depth analysis and design of complete thermal‐fluid systems. Topics will include analysis and design of piping systems, heat exchangers, and pump systems, and their incorporation into complete systems such as refrigeration and power cycles. Advanced dimensional analysis, mathematical relationships, and computational analysis will be used to solve problems.
Fluid and Thermal Systems Laboratory
1 credits
3 class hours
Corequisite: MENG 431
Experimental analysis of fluid flow, heat transfer and thermodynamic systems. Experimental techniques common to the fluid‐thermal sciences fields will be used in hands‐on laboratory experiments. Techniques include wind tunnel measurements, pitot‐static systems, temperature measurement, flow visualization, pump power, and use of data acquisition systems. A final project including the application of measurement techniques and use of experimental facilities in the field of fluid and thermal sciences is required for each laboratory group. Laboratory reports are presented.
MENG 441, 441D
Dynamics and Vibrations in Structural Design
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MATH 335 and MENG 305. ES 332 recommended
Definition of various dynamic loads. Design and synthesis of structural systems and machine members subject to impact and periodic load conditions. Seismic and blast loads on structures. Relevant failure criteria for dynamically loaded systems in structural and mechanism design.
MENG 451, 451D
Design of Machine Elements
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 303; MENG 304; MATE 202 and 202L
Principles of design and failure analysis of mechanical machine elements such as fasteners, shafts, columns, and gears. Design of mechanical drives such as roller chains, belts, speed reducers, and hydraulic transmissions.
MENG 460, 460D
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
3 credits
3 class hours,
Prerequisite: Sophomore classification or consent of instructor and advisor
An overview of research in biomedical engineering, biomechanics, biocompatibility, tissue engineering, biomedical instrumentation, and moral and ethical issues.
MENG 465
3 credits
2 class hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisite: MENG 431L or consent of instructor and advisor
Concepts of rheology. Rheology of body fluids. Different rheological models of fluids and applications in diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Laboratory experiments of plasma and blood rheological characterization (viscosity, elasticity, plasticity, etc.).
MENG 481
Senior Engineering Design Clinic I
3 credits
1 class hour, 6 lab hours
Prerequisite: MENG 382, MENG 341
An academic‐year‐long engineering design project. Organized and directed by a faculty member. Senior‐level students are under the direct supervision of the faculty member. Weekly intensive workshops in specialized design topics pertinent to actual design projects. Topics include costing of capital equipment, cost of materials and labor, design optimization concepts, as well as specialized topics. Formal reports, fabrication drawings, and cost estimates prepared and submitted to faculty and outside industrial reviewers. Formal presentation to reviewing group.
MENG 482
Senior Engineering Design Clinic II
3 credits
1 class hour, 6 lab hours
Prerequisite: MENG 481
A continuation of MENG 481 academic‐year‐long engineering design project.
MENG 483, 483D
2 credits
2 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 332 or consent of instructor and advisor
Corequisite: MENG 483L
This course is an in‐depth examination of the field of mechatronics, which is a consolidation of computer science (software), electrical engineering (microprocessor control), and mechanical engineering (machine design). Topics covered include: system analysis/ control theory, robotics, dynamic systems and control, elements of mechatronics systems, modeling and simulation of mechatronic systems and computer aided mechatronics.
Mechatronics Lab
1 credits
3 class hours
Corequisite: MENG 483
This is a hands‐on lab where the student will design and build a simple mechatronics system. The student will learn the principles of instrumentation and sensors as they relate to the robotic control. The student will also learn the programming methods for the microprocessor controller.
Design Clinic Lab
1 credits
3 lab hours
Prerequisites: ES or MENG‐110, ES or MENG‐110L
Corequisites: MENG‐381 or consent of the instructor
The Design Clinic Lab Course will introduce students to critical skills important in the engineering design and verification process. Weekly sessions will be conducted in specialized topics pertinent to the design process. Topics include Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Design (CAD) using Solidworks, mechanical drawing layout, mechanical assemblies, clearances and tolerances, analytical modeling, concepts in machining of components, and the joining of components.
MENG 485
Advanced Design Clinic
3 credits
1 class hours, 6 lab hours
Prerequisites: MENG 482
Enables students to enhance their understanding of the engineering design and verification process for mechanical design projects. Weekly seminars in specialized topics pertinent to the design process. Students focus on developing best practices for completing mechanical design projects. These best practices are used to improve the performance of design clinic project teams. Students participate in design project teams, contributing as senior technical members and/or advisers. Students contribute to the formal reports and oral presentations of these teams.
MENG 486, 486D
Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
3 credits
3 class hours
Topics to be announced.
MENG 489, 489D
Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
3 credits
3 class hours
Topics to be announced.
MENG 491, 491D
Directed Study
Credit hours to be arranged
The major content of these courses is directed toward a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.
MENG 500
Directed Research
Credit hours to be arranged
Research under the guidance of a faculty member. This course may not be used to fulfill graduate degree requirements.
MENG 504, 504D
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: MENG 304 or equivalent or consent of instructor
Development of advanced mechanics of materials principles and techniques for use in engineering design and problem solving. Topics include MTLSrial yielding, torsion, unsymmetrical bending of beams, shear stresses in thin-walled structures, curved beams, beams on elastic foundations, axisymmetric thin-walled shells and thick-walled cylinders, column stability, stress concentrations, and MTLSrial failure behavior under steady and cyclic loading.
MENG 505, 505D
Design and Analysis of Experiments
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor
This class will focus on statistically designed experiments, measurement standards, data analysis, regressions and general and detailed uncertainty analysis, including statistical treatment of experimental data. This course is intended to give you a broad introduction to statistical concepts used to design, conduct, and interpret your own experiments and to better your analysis of data presented in the scientific literature.
MENG 513
Impact Dynamics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor
A specialized but very important branch of engineering mechanics deals with the collision of multiple bodies throughout a broad range of relative velocities. The physical phenomenon during impact and subsequent response of each of the bodies is dependent on the mechanical material properties of each, the impact velocities, and the relative size and orientation of each of the bodies. Impact response is most easily categorized based on the impact velocity (relative approach velocity of two bodies), ranging from elastic response with li le change in temperature at low velocities, through plastic deformation and/or fracture at higher velocities, to physical state changes of bodies or a portion of a body at hyper‐velocity impacts (>1 km/sec).
MENG 515, 515D
Theory of Elasticity
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor
An introduction to tensor analysis, analysis of stress, balance laws, infinitesimal and finite theories of motion, strain and rotation tensors, compatibility equations, constitutive equations, materials symmetry, uniqueness of the solution, solution of two‐dimensional elasticity problems. Airy stress function, application of complex variable technique in elasticity, three‐dimensional elasticity problems, energy methods, bending theory of plates. (Same as ME 515)
MENG 516, 516D
Plates and Shells
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 305, MENG 451 or approval of the instructor.
Behavior, analysis and design of discrete and continuous plates and shells, membrane and bending behavior, numerical methods of solution.
MENG 517, 517D / ME 517
Advanced Finite Element Method
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor
An introduction to the numerical analysis calculus of variation, weak form of a differential equation, weighted residual techniques, solution of one‐dimensional problems by the finite element method, bending problems, Lagrange and Hermite interpolation functions, isoparametric elements, numerical integration, two‐dimensional problems, solution of Poisson and Laplace equations, triangular and quadrilateral elements, elasticity problems, theorem of minimum potential energy stiffness matrix, examples. (Same as ME 517)
MENG 519, 519D
Adaptive Structures
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 305, Pre/Corequisite MENG 589 or approval of the instructor
Adaptive structures with embedded intelligent sensors and actuators, self‐monitoring and self healing characteristics, biological system/ structures.
MENG 520, 520D
Fracture Mechanics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor
An introduction to the theory of elasticity, singular stress fields, Westergaard method, complex variable technique, stress intensity factor, fracture energy, numerical and experimental methods in determination of stress intensity factor, fracture toughness, J‐integral Elasto‐plastic fracture. (Same as ME 520)
MENG 521
Elastic Stability
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: MENG 304 or consent of the instructor
Classical theory of elastic stability for beams, plates, and shell structures. Geometric nonlinear equations for thin‐ walled structures. Linear, linearized, and nonlinear solutions of problems. Approximate analytic methods and numerical methods for problem solving.
MENG 522
Mechanics of Inelastic Continuum
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 515, MENG 524 or approval of the instructor
Modeling systems that yield inelastic equations, coupled with methods for their solutions and analysis. Development of insight into the fundamental behavior of inelastic systems.
MENG 523
Engineering Mechanics of Cellular Structures
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 305, Pre/Corequisite MENG 589 or approval of the instructor
Cellular structures with combinations of mechanical, energy‐absorption, thermal and acoustic/vibration characteristics and their implementation in diverse applications.
MENG 524, 524D
Continuum Mechanics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 515, Pre/Corequisite MENG 517 or approval of the instructor
Matrix, indicial and direct notation, tensor calculus, deformation analysis; general principles of stress, curvilinear coordinates.
MENG 531
Mechanics of Viscous Fluids
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: MENG 431 or consent of the instructor
Fundamental laws of motion for a viscous fluid. Navier‐Stokes equation. Laminar fluid flow, turbulent boundary layer topics. Compressible and incompressible flow problems.
MENG 541, 541D
Vibrations in an Elastic Continuum
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 302, 303; MENG 441; or consent of instructor
Analysis of single and multi degree‐of‐freedom systems for time dependent loads, including periodic and impact loads. Thin‐walled structures—beams, plates, and shells. Dynamic stability of thin‐walled structures.
MENG 544, 544D
Modern Control Theory
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 405 or consent of instructor
Designing and analyzing modern control systems that can be devised from dealing exclusively in the time domain. Methods of expanding control concepts from simple single‐input single‐output processes to full multi‐input multi‐ output, continuous and discrete, linear and nonlinear systems will be explored. Students will submit a semester‐ long research paper.
MENG 545, 545D
Introduction to Explosives Engineering
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing; or consent of
instructor and advisor
Introduction to the broad field of explosives science and technology. Basic organic chemistry, decomposition reactions, properties of explosives, thermodynamics of explosives, shock wave theory, detonation theory, initiators, Gurney equations, blast effects and demolition. Students will submit a semester‐long research report.
MENG 546, 546D
Detonation Theory
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 549 or consent of instructor.
Development of classical detonation model for full order detonation of secondary explosives. Ideal versus nonideal detonation. Burn‐rate models for pyrotechnics. Derivation and application of the Mie‐Gruneisen equation of state. The concept of deflagration to detonation transition. (Same as ME 546)
MENG 547, 547D
Theory of Propellant and Pyrotechnic
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing or consent of instructor
and advisor
Fundamentals of basic concepts of pyrotechnic. Thermo‐mechanical/chemical aspects of pyrotechnics, formulation and mixing of pyrotechnic mixtures, application of pyrotechnic including illumination, tracers, incendiaries, delays, etc.
MENG 548
Manipulator Based Robotics
4 credits
3 class hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisite: MENG 405 or equivalent or consent of instructor
Fundamentals of the multidisciplinary field of robotics. Emphasis is placed on understanding how to model and control robotic manipulators while providing an appreciation of the importance of sensing to robotic applications. Topics include: forward, inverse, and motion kinematics; dynamic modeling; position, velocity, and force control. Shares lecture/lab with EE 448, but is graded separately, and additional graduate‐level work is required. (Same as EE 548)
MENG 549, 549D
Wave Propagation
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 545 (or consent of instructor and
An in‐depth study of the propagation of waves in various media. The derivation and application of the Rankine‐ Hugoniot jump equations. The concept of the rarefaction wave and various wave interactions. The differential form of the conservation equations, as well as some numerical solutions for simple cases. Shares lecture with EXPL 412, with additional expectations for graduate credit. (Same as ME 549)
MENG 550, 550D
Advanced Explosives Engineering
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 549 or consent of instructor and advisor
The detonation of non‐ideal explosives, equation of state for porous media, shaped charge effect and explosively formed projectiles. Shock compaction of powders, explosive welding and experimental methods used in the evaluation of explosives and their applications. The dynamic fracture of ductile and brittle materials. (Same as ME 550)
MENG 551, 551D
Optimal Control Systems
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 332, MATH 2420 or equivalent, MATH 335, MENG 405
Formulation of stochastic dynamic systems models, combined with optimal full‐state and reduced‐state estimators are introduced. Various cost functionals are defined and used to design real‐time control algorithms that produce specific desired system responses. Mathematical measures of control robustness are defined which allow the student to gain an appreciation for predicting and measuring system stability margins under sub‐optimal conditions.
MENG 552, 552D
Explosives Technology and Applications
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of
instructor and advisor
Focus on the application of explosives mechanics. Fundamentals of explosive welding/cu ing, shaped charges, explosive‐drives flux compression generators, spallations, explosives initiation methods, explosives applied testing methods, etc. Students will submit a semester‐long research report.
MENG 553, 553D
Computer Modeling of Detonations
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 545 or consent of instructor
and advisor.
Introduction to hydrodynamic modeling applied to explosives. Numerical methods for modeling shock physics, detonation, and material response. Finite difference, finite element and smoothed particle hydrodynamic methods, equation of state and strength models, and numerical fracture and fragmentation.
MENG 554
Embedded Control Systems
4 credits
3 class hours, 3 lab hours
Prerequisites: EE 308 or EE 443 or MENG 405 or equivalent or consent of instructor and advisor
Micro‐controller or microcomputer based embedded control systems. A comparative survey of currently available embedded computers/controllers including SBC’s, PIC’s, basic‐stamps, and single‐chip computer solutions. Real time operating systems including real‐time LINUX, and hard real‐time process requirements. Projects will include the implementation of an embedded real‐time control solution. (Same as EE 554)
MENG 555
Shock Propagation in Air
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 545 or consent of instructor
and advisor
An in‐depth study of shock propagation in air in an engineering point of view. Estimation of overpressure, blast wave and it parameters, normal/oblique shock reflection analysis, blast wave scaling with Buckingham pi theory, and structural response under airblast including shockwave mitigation methods/concepts.
MENG 556, 556D
Compressible Fluid Flow
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 216/MENG 216, ES 347, or graduate standing
An introductory study of compressible fluid flow and gas dynamics. The course covers one-dimensional flows including isentropic flow, normal shockwaves, Fanno flow, and Rayleigh flow. Oblique shock waves and expansion fans are discussed including applications to high-speed aerodynamics. One-dimensional unsteady flow is taught, including a detailed study of wave diagrams for various problems including shock tubes and as models for explosions. Applications of compressible flow are discussed including wind tunnels, aerodynamics, and explosives. An understanding of simple refractive imaging techniques is imparted to allow analysis of compressible flows from flow visualizations.
MENG 557
Multiphase Flow
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 431 or equivalent or consent of the instructor
Selected topics in multiphase flows with emphasis on engineering applications. Topics include basic two‐phase flow equations, pressure drop in two‐phase flow, gas‐liquid, gas‐solid and liquid‐solid two‐phase flows.
MENG 558, 558D
Non‐Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
This course offers the specific techniques and understanding necessary for being able to compute and understand issues associated with non‐Newtonian fluid dynamics. Issues of rheology and analytic techniques are covered.
MENG 559
Theory and Design of Internal Combustion Engines
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 347, ES 350, MENG 304, MENG 421, or consent of the instructor
Thermodynamic analysis and performance characteristics of spark ignition and compression ignition engines. Effects of thermodynamics, heat transfer and combustion on engine power, efficiency and emissions. Design of internal combustion engines; stress analysis, kinematics and dynamics of the crank mechanism, design of piston, connecting rod and crankshaft.
MENG 560, 560D
Principles of Combustion
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 347 or consent of the instructor
Covers the fundamentals of combustion. Topics include chemical reactions, calculation of adiabatic flame temperature, chemical kinetics and flammability limit, characteristics of premixed, diffusion, laminar and turbulent flames.
MENG 561, 561D
Digital Image Processing
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor
This class will provide an introduction to digital image processing, beginning with a discussion of imaging systems and storage of digital images then progressing to image filtering, segmentation, correlations, and applications in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Basic image manipulation including subtraction, addition, dilation, and smoothing will be covered using binary images. Grayscale images will then be used to discuss histogram manipulation, edge detection routines, and filtering, including Fourier-based techniques. Image correlation will be covered, including its applications for fluid-dynamic measurement systems like Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Color theory will be presented including conversion of images between color schemes including RGB and HSI. Additional applications for machine vision and scene reconstruction will be discussed. The course will use MATLAB to perform all image manipulations; all students are expected to have working knowledge of MATLAB and undergraduate-level programming skills.
MENG 562 Experimental Explosives Science
1-2 credits
1-3 class hours
Prerequisite: MENG 545 or consent of instructor
and advisor
An introduction to the explosive testing date
acquisition systems. Basic concepts of the
measurement of detonation product properties and
characteristics of detonation process. Analysis of
material properties under high pressure shock
compression, and data interpretations
MENG 562L Experimental Explosives Science lab
1-3 credit hrs
1-3 lab hrs
Prerequisite: MENG 545 or consent of instructor or
Co-requisite: MENG 56
An introduction to the explosive testing data
acquisition systems. Basic concepts of explosives
initiation and the measurement/characterization of
detonation effects. Experimental analysis of
energetic Materials and explosives devices utilizing
various state-of-art testing equipment. Ultra-high
speed camera, VISAR, shock measurement systems,
etc. Analysis of material properties under
high-pressure shock compression, and data
MENG 567, 567D
Smart Engineering Systems
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MATH 2420, 382; CSE 344; or equivalent; or consent of instructor
Artificial neural networks, with emphasis on multiplayer feedback networks, self‐organizing networks, and Hopfield‐style networks. Learning algorithms. Introduction to fuzzy systems and evolutionary computing. Engineering applications of soft computing.
MENG 568
Smart Engineering Systems II
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MATH 254, 382; CSE 344; or equivalent; or consent of instructor
Overview of the major paradigms of soft computing: neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computing. In‐depth coverage of selected topics in each area as relevant to intelligent systems. Recent advances in the field, and case studies of intelligent systems. Coursework includes a large‐scale project.
MENG 570, 570D
Advanced Mechatronics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: MENG 405 or EE 443 or equivalent or consent of instructor
The theory, design, manufacture and use of instrumentation and control in the various sciences. The use of electrical and electronic instruments and equipment to measure, monitor and/or record physical phenomena. Measurements of force, mass dimension, strain; displacement, velocity, and acceleration; tensile, impact and comprehensive strength; temperature and thermal properties; time and frequency; thrust and torque; pressure vacuum and flow; electrical quantities; photo‐optics and radiation.
MENG 571
Haptic Systems, Teleoperation, & Virtual Reality
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: MENG 405 or EE 443 or equivalent or consent of instructor
Haptic and virtual‐reality interfaces are designed with the sensing, control, and actuation capabilities of both humans and robots in mind. This course provides a practical introduction to select aspects of these capabilities. Mathematical formulations fundamental to the course will be derived. Students’ ability to comprehend and synthesize the often dense and technical content of research papers will be improved through frequent reading and discussion assignments. Students will design computer algorithms throughout the semester that will culminate in a final programming project.
MENG 572, 572D
Sensor Technology
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 332 and MENG 405, or EE 443 or equivalent, or consent of instructor
The operating principles and properties of sensors/transducers for the measurement of physical quantities in the mechanical domain, as well as the associated interface circuits. Focus is on commercially available sensors, but where appropriate, recent trends toward miniaturization, integration, and higher quality performance will be addressed.
MENG 574
Electrical Measurements of Non‐Electrical Quantities
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 332 and MENG 405, or EE 443 or equivalent, or consent of instructor and advisor
This course is particularly reliant on advances in scientific knowledge. Establishment of units and scales of measurement, their development, realization, maintenance and dissemination, as well as the performance of traceable measurements. Hence, this course serves a key factor of modern manufacture through automation, which both enhances productivity and ensures consistent quality. The demand for improved and assured quality means ever better instrumentation. Focus on the course will be on measurement science, design principles for instrument systems, electrical measurements of thermal quantities, electrical measurements of mechanical quantities, electrical measurements of optical quantities, and electrical measurements of chemical quantities.
MENG 575, 575D
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 305 or consent of the instructor
A comprehensive study of applied mathematics. Vector analysis, tensors and Eigenvalue problems. Analytical solutions to linear ordinary and partial differential equations. Separation of variables, boundary value problems, and Laplace and Fourier transforms. Numerical analysis of nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations with emphasis on engineering applications. Complex Analysis; complex numbers, Cauchy‐Riemann equations and conformal mapping.
MENG 576, 576D
Biomedical Mechatronics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 405 or EE 443 or ES 332 or equivalent or consent of instructor and advisor
This course will give students direct experience with computational tools used to create simulations of human movement. Lectures and labs cover animation of movement; kinematic models of joints; forward dynamic simulation; computational models of muscles, tendons, and ligaments; creation of models from medical images; control of dynamic simulations; collision detection and contact models. The course is intended as an introduction to medical device design for graduate engineering students because the class will have a significant design and prototyping emphasis.
MENG 577, 577D
Advanced Fluid Mechanics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of the
Fundamental concepts and analysis of Fluid Mechanics. Derivation of the partial differential equations governing the conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Introduction to potential flows. Exact solutions of the Navier‐Stokes equations. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers. Compressible and incompressible flow problems.
MENG 578, 578D
Advanced Thermodynamics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 347 or consent of the instructor
The first and second laws of thermodynamics. Clapeyron relation, availability concepts and analysis, equations of state, non‐reacting mixtures and thermodynamics of chemical reactions.
MENG 579, 579D
Advanced Heat Transfer
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 350 or consent of the instructor
Covers analytical and numerical techniques in conduction, convection, radiation with emphasis on combined heat transfer.
MENG 581
Directed Study
Credit hours to be arranged
MENG 585, 585D
Graduate Seminar
1 credit hour
MENG 589, 589D
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
2‐3 credits
2‐3 class hours,
Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor
Topcs to be announced.
MENG 590
Independent Study
Credit hours to be arranged
MENG 591
Thesis (master’s degree)
Credit hours to be arranged
MENG 595
Credit hours to be arranged
Prerequisites: Successful completion of PhD candidacy exam and Academic Advisor recommendation for candidacy.
Explosives Engineering (EXPL) Classes
EXPL 101
Beginning Explosives Engineering
2 credits
2 class hours
Prerequisites: none
This course will introduce the student to the subjects of pyrotechnics and explosives and encompasses subjects including basic combustion chemistry, the physical chemistry of energetic materials, and some test instrumentation. This course also will include a design project.
Beginning Explosives Engineering Lab
1 credit
3 lab hours
Prerequisites: none
This course is based primarily in the laboratory, however, two days will be spent at the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center working with high explosives.
(Note: There are no 200-Level EXPL classes)
(Note: There are no 200 or 300-Level EXPL classes)
EXPL 416, 416D
Energetic Material Chemistry
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: Upper class standing or consent of instructor
and advisor (Same as ChE 475)
An introduction to the chemical aspect of energetic
Materials. Based on basic/advanced chemical and
thermo-chemical concepts and dynamics, understand
the characteristic and typical properties of energetic
EXPL 417, 417D
Energetic Material Safety
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: Upper class standing or consent of instructor
and advisor
Development of the concept of detonation process or
Detonation-Deflagration Transition (DDT) mechanics.
Analysis of the thermo-dynamic behavior of explosives,
hydro hot-spot theory, shock initiation, explosives cookoff,
explosive sensitization.
EXPL 445, 445D
Introduction to Explosives Engineering
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 216, ES 302, and ES 347 (or MTLS350/
CHE349) or consent of instructor and advisor
Introduction to the broad field of explosives science and
technology. Basic organic chemistry, decomposition
reactions, properties of explosives, thermodynamics of
explosives, shock wave theory, detonation theory,
initiators, Gurney equations, blast effects and demolition.
EXPL 447, 447D
Theory of Propellant and Pyrotechnic
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: ES 216, ES 302, and ES 347 (or
MTLS350/ CHE349) or consent of instructor and
Fundamentals of basic concepts of pyrotechnic.Thermo
-mechanical/chemical aspects of pyrotechnics,
formulation and mixing of pyrotechnic
mixtures, application of pyrotechnic including
illumination, tracers, incendiaries, delays, etc.
EXPL 449, 449D
Wave Propagation
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: EXPL 445 or consent of instructor
and advisor
An in-depth study of the propagation of waves in
various media. The derivation and application of
the Rankine-Hugoniot jump equations. The
concept of the rarefaction wave and various wave
interactions.Derivation and application of the
Mie-Gruneisen equation of state. The differential
form of the conservation equations, as well as some
numerical solutions for simple cases. Shares lecture
with ME/ MENG 549, with additional expectations
for graduate credit.
EXPL 452, 452D
Explosives Technology and Applications
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: EXPL 445 or consent of instructor
and advisor
Focus on the application of explosives mechanics.
Fundamentals of explosive welding/cutting, shaped
charges, explosive-driven flux-compression
generators, spallations, explosives initiation
methods, explosives applied testing methods, etc.
EXPL 453
Computer Modeling of Detonations
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: EXPL 445 or consent of instructor
and advisor.
Introduction to the numerical/hydrocode modeling
of detonation behaviors. Focus on the area of
detonation initiation, behavior of heterogeneous
explosives, explosive/propellant performances,
experiment interpretations, and numerical
expressions of explosives relate theories.
EXPL 455, 455D
Shock Propagation in Air
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisite: EXPL 445 or consent of instructor or advisor
An in-depth study of structural behaviors on blast
and vibration. Structure damage
prediction/estimation, blasting shockwave
mitigation methods/concepts, shockwave
propagation/properties on structures, structure
failure criteria.
EXPL 462
Experimental Explosives Science
1-2 credits
1-3 class hours
Prerequisite: EXPL 445 or consent of instructor and advisor
An introduction to the explosive testing data
acquisition systems. Basic concepts of the
measurement of detonation product properties and
characteristics of detonation process. Analysis of
material properties under high pressure shock
compression, and data interpretations
Experimental Explosives Science lab
1-3 credits
1-3 lab hours
Prerequisite: EXPL 445 or consent of instructor and advisor
Co-requisite: EXPL 462
An introduction to the explosive testing data
acquisition systems. Basic concepts of explosives
initiation and the measurement/characterization of
detonation effects.Experimental analysis of energetic
Materials and explosives devices utilizing various
state-of-art testing equipment. Ultra-high speed
camera, VISAR, shock measurement systems, etc.
Analysis of material properties under high-pressure
shock compression, and data interpretations.
EXPL 489
Special Topics in Explosives Engineering
3 credits
3 class hours
Topic areas to be announced
EXPL 491
Directed Study
credit hours to be arranged
Aerospace Engineering (AE) Classes
(Note: There are no 100 or 200-Level AE classes)
AE 311
Aerodynamics I
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 216/ES 216
Fundamental concepts of aerodynamics, equations of compressible flows, irrotational flows and potential flow theory, singularity solutions, circulation and vorticity, Kutta‐Joukowski theorem, thin airfoil theory, finite wing theory, slender body theory, subsonic compressible flow and Prandtl‐Glauert rule , supersonic thin airfoil theory, introduction to performance, basic concepts of airfoil design
AE 313, 313D
Orbital Mechanics
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: PHYS 1320 or 132, MATH 332 or MENG 305
This is a first upper‐division course covering the Newtonian mechanics of orbits. Applications include ballistic missiles, satellites, and lunar and interplanetary orbits. (Same as PHYS 313.)
AE 318
Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics
2 credits
2 class hours
Prerequisite: ES 216/MENG 216
Experimental approach to problem solving and validation of theoretical/computational methods. Uncertainties in measurement. Review of fundamental equations of fluid dynamics, properties of gases and liquids, similarity laws. Wind tunnels, water channels, simulation of phenomena in processing equipment. Pressure sensors, including optically‐reactive surface paint. Measurement of skin friction by direct force sensors, Preston and Stanton‐tubes, diffusion analogies, liquid crystals. Flow visualization with laser light sheet; Schlieren, shadowgraph and interferometric methods. Future trends; flow control, impact of microelectronic sensors and actuators.
AE 318L
Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics Lab
1 credit
3 lab hours
Corequisite: AE318
Laboratory demonstrations and exercises using available instrumentation in Mechanical Engineering Department.
AE 412, 412D
Aerospace Systems
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 111; MATH 335; MENG 305
Corequisites: MENG 405, 451; EE 341 for EE majors or consent of instructor and advisor
The course explores formulation, development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to the design, analysis, and life‐cycle cost management of highly complex, often adaptive systems. An appreciation for the strength of integrated, multidisciplinary skills, within a structured framework for concept development is a desired outcome of the course. A number of case studies are examined as leading examples for completion of a final class project in systems conceptualization and development management.
AE 414, 414D
Aerospace Structures
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MENG 304, MENG 305
Behavior, analysis and design of discrete and continuous plates and shells, membrane and bending behavior, numerical methods of solution, Composite structures, Macro-mechanics to Structural design and development. Development of analytical procedures for determining MTLSrial properties. Effective experimental methods and prediction of structural behavior.
AE 415, 415D
Aerodynamics II
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: AE 411
The course is covering advanced aerodynamic theories and their application. Includes airfoil shape, drag, velocity, lift, thrust, stability and control. Also included are advanced principles of performance including airplane capabilities and limitations, performance design criteria, load factors, weight and balance, comparative analysis of aircraft and aircraft certification.
AE 416, 416D
Aircraft Flight Dynamics and Controls
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 332, MATH 2420 or equivalent, MATH 335, MENG 405, AE 411, AE 412
The application of aerodynamic surfaces to determine the trajectory and the a itude of flight vehicles involves knowledge of the forces and moments applied to the vehicle from the surrounding media in subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow regimes. Methods of either specifying, or estimating the performance parameters of a flight vehicle, operating in a particular velocity range are introduced, including the critical factors in determining the size, shape and placement of control surfaces, and the forces or torques required to reliably and accurately position such surfaces in desired states. Time‐domain methods are taught for simulating flight vehicles and synthesizing robust, stable control schemes.
AE 417, 417D
Aerospace Propulsion
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 216/MENG 216, ES 347
Aerospace propulsion can be classified into four categories: propeller, jet, ramjet and rocket propulsion. Among them gas turbine engines and jet propulsion are the essentials for modern aircraft. In this course, the fundamentals of different propulsion systems will be first introduced. Then the course focus will be on gas turbine engines. The material can be divided into four parts: (1) review of thermodynamics and compressible flow; (2) one‐dimensional gas dynamics analysis of gas engine performance; (3) analysis and performance of air breathing propulsion system; and (4) the analysis and design of gas turbine engine components, e.g. inlets, nozzles, turbomachinery (compressors, turbines, turbofan, turbopropeller) and combustors. Further, the fundamentals of ramjet and rocket propulsion will be also discussed in this course.
AE 418
Structural Dynamics in Aerospace Engineering
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: MATH 2532, ES 302, ES 303, AE 414.
This course explores structural dynamic topics covering a broad range of aerospace applications. Vibration of single and multi‐degree‐of‐freedom systems is reviewed in the context of modeling the aerospace structural systems. Essential structural elements – bars, beams, and plates are addresses in the dynamics of continuous systems section. Structural response to transient, shock, and random loads is discussed and practical aspects of dynamic testing are presented.
AE 420, 420D
Compressible Fluid Flow
3 credits
3 class hours
Prerequisites: ES 216, ES 347
An introductory study of compressible fluid flow and gas dynamics. The course covers one‐dimensional flows including isentropic flow, normal shockwaves, Fanno flow, and Rayleigh flow. Oblique shock waves and expansion fans are discussed including applications to high‐speed aerodynamics. One‐dimensional unsteady flow is taught, including a detailed study of wave diagrams for various problems including shock tubes and as models for explosions. Applications of compressible flow are discussed including wind tunnels, aerodynamics, and explosives. An understanding of simple refractive imaging techniques is imparted to allow analysis of compressible flows from flow visualizations.
AE 489, 489D
Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering
3 credits
3 class hours
Topic areas TBA.
AE 491
Directed Study
Credit hours to be arranged